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Climate change and wildfires pose an existential threat to western North American forests, a reality which necessitates place-based strategies to increase their resilience – if forests are to be widely conserved. EuroAmerican colonization, development, and management, along with fire suppression, have contributed to widespread fire exclusion and changes in forest structure, composition, and wildfire regimes. Past selection cutting removed large fire- and drought-resilient trees, allowing for widespread infilling of fire sensitive trees. All of these factors contributed to current forest vulnerability. In an Ecological Applications Feature, the presenters offered three articles that formally reviewed the evidence of forest changes, discussed 10 common questions about the utility of mitigation measures, and presented the need for climate and wildfire adaptation of modern forests. In this extended Consortium webinar, Dr. Keala Hagmann will review a century of research evidence detailing widespread changes to forested landscapes and wildfire regimes. Dr. Susan Prichard will review common questions surrounding the application and relevance of mitigation measures to remedy the documented changes. Dr. Paul Hessburg will present the case for intentional adaptive management to reverse these changes. Following their presentations, the speakers will lead a discussion on reframing management direction and current barriers to increasing the pace and scale of forest adaptation.

Media Record Details

Jan 31, 2023
Susan J. Prichard, R. Keala Hagmann, Paul F. Hessburg

Cataloging Information

Fire & Climate

NRFSN number: 25339
Record updated: