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Fire Behavior
Simulation Modeling

FRAMES RCS Number: 16943
Record updated:
NRFSN number: 17995

FlamMap software creates raster maps of potential fire behavior characteristics (ROS, flame length, crown fire activity, etc.) and environmental conditions (dead fuel moistures, mid-flame wind speeds, and solar irradiance) over an entire FARSITE landscape. These raster maps can be viewed in FlamMap or exported for use in a GIS, image or word processor. It is not a replacement for FARSITE or a fire growth simulation model. There is no temporal component in FlamMap. It uses spatial information on topography and fuels to calculate fire behavior characteristics at one instant. It uses the same spatial and tabular data as FARSITE; a Landscape (.LCP) File, Initial Fuel Moistures (.FMS) File, as well as optional Custom Fuel Model (.FMD), Weather (.WTR), and Wind (.WND) Files. FlamMap incorporates the following fire behavior models; Rothermel's 1972 surface fire model, Van Wagner's 1977 crown fire initiation model, Rothermel's 1991 crown fire spread model, Nelson's 2000 dead fuel moisture model.

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