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In October 1997, I attended a conference in Park City, Utah on the Future of Wildland Fire Research. Billed as 'an experiment, a beginning,' this seminal workshop developed action plans to create an interdepartmental competitive grants program, a coordinated response to managing fire regimes for ecosystem health, and a framework for management and research collaboration that would integrate the social sciences and assess ecological risk. Here, I will draw on my own personal journey over the past 15 years to (1) identify where we may have succeeded or failed; (2) speculate about unasked questions and hidden surprises; and (3) offer a few ideas for novel action plans, and a way to implement them, to help anticipate and manage wildland fire in a changing and nonstationary world. This presentation was given at the AFE SW Fire Ecology Conference, February 29, 2012 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Media Record Details

Feb 29, 2012
Julio Betancourt

Cataloging Information

Fire Ecology

NRFSN number: 14292
FRAMES RCS number: 13142
Record updated: