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Sarah E. Greene, Angela Evenden
Year Published:

Cataloging Information

Fuel Treatments & Effects
Montane dry mixed-conifer forest, Ponderosa pine woodland/savanna, Lower montane/foothills/valley grassland

NRFSN number: 11244
FRAMES RCS number: 12586
Record updated:

Forest Service Research Natural Areas are established to preserve examples of all significant natural ecosystems for comparison with those influenced andlor managed by humans, to provide educational and research areas for ecological and environmental studies, and to preserve gene pools for typical and rare and endangered species. The Research Natural Area program in the Northern Rockies and Pacific Northwest regions attempts to protect a wide spectrum of terrestrial and aquatic communities in their "natural" state. At least 79 of the 246 established and proposed Research Natural Areas in these regions represent forest and grassland types that have been adapted to frequent fires over the last several hundred to thousands of years.


Greene, Sarah E.; Evenden, Angela. 1996. The role of fire in Research Natural Areas in the Northern Rockies and Pacific Northwest. In: Hardy, Colin C.; Arno, Stephen F., eds. The use of fire in forest restoration. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-341. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. p. 32-33.