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Ecosystems throughout North America evolved with wildfire. Today, prescribed fire is an important tool for managing habitat by maintaining open, early seral landscapes. Fire can greatly improve the value of habitat for insects and other invertebrates, often increasing species abundance and diversity, however, fire (both natural and prescribed) in the wrong place, at the wrong scale, or at the wrong time can have the opposite effect - negatively impacting invertebrate communities and their habitat.

Life from the Ashes will explore the positive and negative impacts of prescribed and natural fire related to insects and other invertebrates in landscapes across North America. The symposium will provide research and practical insights to inform natural areas professionals as they manage landscapes with fire.

This program is provided in a collaboration between the Natural Areas Association (NAA) and the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (Xerces). NAA serves those dedicated to the management and restoration of biologically important natural areas in North America. Xerces is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. Protecting nature requires reliable science to inform practices on-the-ground and a network of stewards who work tirelessly to protect, manage and restore land and water biodiversity.

Event Details

Oct 19 2021, 9pm