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Pamela J. Jakes, Linda E. Kruger, Martha C. Monroe, Kristen C. Nelson, Victoria Sturtevant
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Fire Communication & Education
Risk assessment
Wildland Urban Interface

NRFSN number: 7947
FRAMES RCS number: 4374
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Communities across the U.S. have been taking action to adapt to the wildfire risk they face. In a series of case studies conducted in 15 communities, researchers identified and described four elements that form the foundation for community wildfire preparedness: landscape, government, citizens, and community.


Jakes, Pamela J.; Kruger, Linda E.; Monroe, Martha C.; Nelson, Kristen C.; Sturtevant, Victoria. 2007. Improving wildfire preparedness: lessons from communities across the US. Human Ecology Review. 14(2): 188-197.

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